By Tracey Watson
Confirmed AGAIN: Sodium nitrite preservative in processed meat causes breast cancer
The jury is in and the verdict is final: Processed meats like bacon, salami and sausage all increase breast cancer risk. A metanalysis of all 15 previously conducted studies on the subject, published recently in the International Journal of Cancer, has confirmed that eating processed meat is associated with a 9 percent increase in the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 ways to avoid ever getting cancer in the first place
Millions of humans binge on junk food every meal and think doctors will be able to “fix” their health problems later with medicine and surgery. So what exactly is “junk food,” because most people think what they’re eating is not really “that bad.” Plus, most diets people choose are the ones that cater to their […]
By S.D. Wells
Cancer is CAUSED by chemicals, so why on Earth would you use chemicals to fight it?
Americans are scared to death of cancer, and righteously so. Mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably can take over organs, including the most complex organ in the body, the brain. Nearly half of all Americans will get some form of cancer in their lifetime, and approximately half of those victims will die from it. Or will […]
By S.D. Wells
Which gives you cancer sooner: Cigarettes or deli meats? New research reveals they’re both Class 1-A carcinogens
Could eating processed foods, such as breakfast and deli meats, be detrimental to your health? Well, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the answer is yes. Research has shown that eating lunch meat, bacon, or sausage on a daily basis equates to smoking a pack of cigarettes each day and has a similar effect on […]
By S.D. Wells
Processed meats or cigarettes – which gives you cancer more quickly?
When people see someone smoking a cigarette, they immediately think of how much health damage the person is “self inflicting,” and how they are greatly raising their risk of getting cancer from inhaling all those toxins. Cigarettes contain ammonia, bleach, formaldehyde and pesticides, which all drive cancer cells to multiply uncontrollably which often leads to […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 causes of cancer and smart alternatives for prevention and healing
If you had been walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells all day, and a doctor told you to take some aspirin for the pain, would you go out the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and walk on those same rocks and shells, expecting the aspirin to “do […]
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