By Tracey Watson
Dr. Gabriel Cousens warns the world about the toxic effects of 5G wireless (coming soon to your neighborhood)
Dr. Gabriel Cousens calls 5G “a complete, unmitigated health disaster.” But, what exactly is 5G, what dangers does it present and what must each one of us be aware of? PC Mag explains that the “G” in 3G, 4G etc. refers to a different generation of wireless technology. Each generation is differentiated by a change […]
By Tracey Watson
A professor of toxicology explains how EMFs cause biological damage and even cancer
There is something all around us that we cannot see, that can cause serious health problems like cancer, but that we might not even know about. You may never have heard of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and even if you have, might be unaware of their damaging effects. Nonetheless, they are all around us, and it […]
By Tracey Watson
Electro pollution from power lines threatens health of wildlife
It has become readily evident to most people that our planet is in trouble – big trouble. The bees are in crisis, forests are being cut down at an alarming rate, pollution of the air and oceans is out of control, and nobody seems to be doing very much about any of it. The latest […]
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