News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
POST-PALESTINE MUTANTS: Dioxin exposure causes extremely dangerous, long-term DNA mutations
Industrial processes, house fires, and trash burns produce dangerous chemical byproducts and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed. Some of these chemicals can bio-accumulate and cause DNA mutations in humans. These chemicals can disrupt hormones, cause cancer, and lead to fetal malformations. The DNA damage from these chemicals can even […]
By Lance D Johnson
See which states have the highest vinyl chloride contamination exposure
East Palestine, Ohio was just bombarded with an estimated 1.1 million pounds of vinyl chloride – a well-known human carcinogen. Norfolk Southern were allowed to deliberately release the 1.1 million pounds of vinyl chloride from five of their derailed tanker cars, so authorities could extinguish fires and clear the tracks. Then, the vinyl chloride was […]
By Lance D Johnson
CHEMICAL WARNING: Being exposed to just 1/32 millionth of a gram of DIOXINS is your maximum LIFETIME allowable exposure
A massive, dark plume hovered menacingly over Palestine, Ohio, on Monday, February 6. This plume comes from a series of “controlled explosions” that occurred after a massive train derailment by Norfolk Southern Railroad. In order to clear the tracks and prevent explosions, the state ordered a “controlled release” of toxic vinyl chloride from the tankers. […]
By Lance D Johnson
The FDA works for Pfizer, helps fast track their drug approvals in an anti-competitive way
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proven time and time again that they are incapable of properly regulating the pharmaceutical industry. In the latest Pfizer drug approval, the FDA proved that they work for Pfizer and helped fast track a drug approvals in an anti-competitive way. FDA regulators recently reached out to Pfizer, […]
By Lance D Johnson
Efficacy of colonoscopies now in question after doctors review landmark study and find ZERO reduction in cancer deaths
In a new landmark study, colonoscopies did not meet the expectations of doctors, gastroenterologists or cancer researchers. In the study, the colonoscopy did not significantly reduce colon cancer mortality and only cut colon cancer risk by one fifth, which is far below the current estimates for the test’s efficacy. “Maybe colonoscopy isn’t as good as […]
By Lance D Johnson
Studies show that COVID vaccines cause BLOOD DAMAGE
The theory of immunization has been thoroughly debunked for the new COVID mRNA vaccines. The process of bypassing the innate immune system with lipid nano-particles and the subsequent encoding and transcribing of spike proteins has proven to be toxic, inflammatory, damaging to the blood and destructive to the overall function of the cardiovascular system and […]
By Lance D Johnson
Women recently injected with experimental covid vaccines are showing symptoms of BREAST CANCER
A group of Utah doctors have discovered something terrifying in recent mammogram screenings taken at the Breast Care Centre in Salt Lake City, Utah. Women who were recently injected with experimental COVID vaccines suffer from abnormal inflammation of the lymph nodes in their breasts. According to the Intermountain Healthcare doctors, women who take the covid-19 […]
By Lance D Johnson
London scientists genetically alter human embryos, with disastrous results
A team of scientists from London’s Francis Crick Institute attempted to genetically modify human embryos. They were deeply troubled by the results. Led by biologist Kathy Niakan, the team of researchers utilized a gene-editing technique called CRISPR. Wanting to understand the role of a particular gene in early stage human development, the researchers deleted that […]
By Lance D Johnson
Female freedom: Wearing a bra is linked to breast cancer; avoid underwires to reduce risk
The female breasts were not designed to be restricted in any way. Every part of the breast tissue and the mammary glands were designed for freedom. Bras are a modern-day invention that hinders the flow of lymph throughout the breast tissue. This causes waste materials inside the body to stagnate. These waste materials are designed […]
By Lance D Johnson
BIOSLUDGE is a toilet-to-farm scheme that deposits toxic sewage sludge on food crops all across America
There’s a reason why the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented a Clean Water Act and a Clean Air Act, but NO Clean Soil Act. A Clean Soil Act would fundamentally change how wastewater is processed and recycled. It would require the EPA come clean about the toxic composition of fertilizers being spread on North […]
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